
Knee TEP in Berlin

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Wear and tear of the knee joints can have various causes and affects an increasingly large proportion of the population. Factors such as age, exercise or foot malpositions play a big role in the development of osteoarthritis. The cartilage damage results in pain and a decrease in the mobility of the knee, which leads to restrictions in everyday life. The constant rubbing of the knee joint surfaces against each other leads to inflammatory reactions of the surrounding tissue and thus to swellings, effusions and cysts. In cases of severe wear and tear, a knee TEP can provide relief and help restore quality of life.

What is a knee TEP?

The abbreviation TEP stands for the so-called total endoprosthesis and thus means a complete replacement of the joint. In the case of the knee, this means that an artificial joint replacement replaces the joint surface of the femur on the one hand and the tibia on the other. Damage caused by osteoarthritis in particular often makes pain-free movement impossible. If all possibilities of medicinal and physiotherapeutic treatment approaches have been exhausted, the only option that often remains is artificial joint replacement. Whether only parts of the joint are replaced or a complete replacement is necessary depends on the severity of the wear and tear and the accompanying symptoms. The aim is to prevent stiffening of the joint and to restore freedom of movement without pain. The prosthesis thus ideally restores the initial condition and replaces the respective arthritically altered parts of the joint.

For locally isolated cartilage damage and intact surrounding tissue, partial endoprostheses are often an option, so that the surrounding and intact cartilage tissue can be preserved here. Unfortunately, however, the arthritic changes are often so advanced that a knee TEP is unavoidable. This is especially the case when the joint space is severely narrowed in several places. This means that the cartilage is damaged and thus atrophied to such an extent that the joint surfaces rub against each other, which is also known as „cartilage baldness“. This typically causes pain, effusion in the surrounding tissue, and also inflammatory processes. Therefore, replacing the affected cartilage surfaces provides relief.

For whom is a knee TEP suitable?

A knee TEP is suitable for all those patients who constantly suffer from wear and tear. This manifests itself primarily in pain, restrictions in range of motion, and joint stiffness. As the knee is one of the most stressed joints in our body and is used on a daily basis, wear and tear of the knee joint can considerably reduce the quality of life and lead to limited mobility in those affected. Recurrent inflammatory symptoms also place additional stress on the surrounding tissue and thus reduce the mobility of the joint, creating a vicious circle.

Contrary to popular belief that osteoarthritis only affects older people, wear and tear of the knee joint can certainly affect younger patients. In particular, foot malpositions or injuries to the auxiliary structures of the knee joint, such as the meniscus or cruciate ligament, can lead to severe wear of the cartilage substance at a later stage and subsequently necessitate replacement of the joint. However, people of older age also benefit from a knee TEP. Pain can sometimes lead to social isolation and a reduction in independence. Enjoyment of movement and the ability to perform everyday tasks by oneself again improve subjective well-being.

Knee TEP at Eller & Kellermann

Eller & Kellermann advises patients comprehensively on the choice of the individually appropriate treatment concept with regard to a knee TEP. After exhausting all therapeutically useful interventions, the only remaining treatment option is often the replacement of the entire joint. A knee TEP can help you regain your quality of life and restore your range of motion in the knee joint. A detailed consultation and education about knee TEP are Eller & Kellermann’s top priorities. A detailed anamnesis and diagnostics bring clarity about past diseases and injuries and provide additional information about relevant therapy options. After reviewing all criteria and consulting with you as the patient, we will jointly find an individual solution that is optimally adapted to you.

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Leipziger Platz 15
10117 Berlin